In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
The most beloved places on this earth to Allah are the mosques. There are many references from the Qur'an and the Sunnah that mention the virtues of establishing and maintaining mosques. In the Qur’an, it mentions that "the mosques of Allah shall be maintained only by those who believe in Allah and the day of judgment, perform prayer and give Zakat and fear none but Allâh. Those are the truly guided" [Surat At-Tawbah: 18].
There are also several Prophetic sayings that highlight the virtue of building a mosque. In one narration the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that “whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, a similar house will be built for the person in Paradise”.
According to the national census, the population increased from 49,204 in 2011 to 63,443 in 2016, constituting 1.3% of the overall population of Ireland. 47.3% of Ireland’s Muslim population are residing in Dublin, with an estimated 12.8% of them living within the Fingal area.
Dublin currently has two major mosques and a number of designated prayer rooms, which cater to the growing Muslim population. At present, there is no major mosque that sufficiently caters to the growing Muslim population in north Dublin. There is a dire need for an increase in the number of mosques and schools in the area.

Map of Fingal
MCND was invited in 2019 to build a mosque on land in Mulhuddart that has been zoned by the Fingal County Council for religious purposes. This land will be shared to accommodate the construction of other houses of worship from other backgrounds. This campus-like area will enable us to benefit from a community center to be built on-site and a football pitch for sports activities, catering to the social needs of the community, particularly the youth. We also believe that there will be excellent opportunities for dawah, interfaith dialogue, and cooperation.
Having held several meetings with the Muslim community, we decided collectively to pursue this one in a lifetime opportunity, given the rare opportunities to acquire land zoned for religious purposes in the area. The beneficiaries of such a project are primarily the Muslims residing in North County Dublin, which represents 12.8% of Ireland’s Muslim population.
This mosque will be able to provide much-needed facilities and services, such as
1. Space to accommodate 900 people, both men, and women
2. Ablution and bathroom facilities
3. Classrooms for teaching and learning
4. Library
5. Offices
6. Conference room
7. Mortuary
8. Shop
9. Restaurant

Draft Master Plan
The first stage of the process is to purchase the land from the Council. The land is estimated to be 3 acres in total. It is estimated that the building of the mosque will be required to be completed within 3 to 4 years upon purchasing the land. As we are still at the beginning stages of negotiation, the following are the estimated costs:
Cost of Land: €150,000 to €200,000 per acre
Constructions Costs: €2,000,000 to €2,500,000 (dependant on quality & standards)
Engineering, Consulting and Legal Costs: €150,000
Total Expected Costs: €3,000,000 to €3,500,000.